Thirty years ago the aim of the nursery then was to provide high quality childcare in an environment where children can play, learn and socialise safely and happily, and that is still our motto to-day. We seek to work in partnership with parents who are regularly informed about their child’s progress and well-being.
Our education policy fully embraces and continually works towards the implementation of the principles of the standards set by Siolta, – The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education in Ireland. Aistear which is an Irish word for journey, is a new early childhood curriculum framework and helps us as practitioners to plan for and provide enjoyable and appropriately challenging learning experiences, that will allow the children to grow and develop as competent and confident learners.
We participate in the free Pre-School Year in Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) scheme. The nursery receives a capitation grant for each child eligible for the scheme and there is no charge to parents for children attending the specific preschool hours. Where children attend for longer hours the prevailing capitation grant will be deducted from the monthly fee. Meals comprise of breakfast up until 9am, cooked lunch, morning and afternoon snacks. The menu changes on a weekly basis and is on display in the kitchen.